Meet Your Autonomous Vehicle Chauffeur

NVIDIA DRIVE® Chauffeur is built on NVIDIA DRIVE Orinand the NVIDIA DRIVE SDK. It features the perception, mapping, and planning layers—as well as diverse DNNs trained on high-quality, real-world driving data and synthetic data—to handle both highway and urban traffic scenarios. These perception outputs can be used for both autonomous driving and mapping, delivering a personal chauffeur for your daily drive. 

Ride with NVIDIA’s Self-Driving Car

Rich Perception Outputs

DRIVE Chauffeur is built using NVIDIA DRIVE Perception, which is designed to detect and classify objects, drivable spaces, lanes, and road markings, as well as traffic lights and signs. It can estimate distances to each detected object and fuse inputs from multiple heterogeneous sensor modalities. Coupled with NVIDIA DRIVE DNNs, it forms an end-to-end perception pipeline for autonomous driving.

Image showing NVIDIA DRIVE Perception with road and lane markings.
NVIDIA Path Perception image showing path overlays on a road.

Diverse Neural Networks

DRIVE Chauffeur, built on NVIDIA DRIVE AV software, relies on a combination of DNNs to detect and classify scene semantics, such as traffic signs and lights, to chart your path ahead. Specifically, it uses our WaitNet DNN for intersection detection, traffic light detection, and traffic sign detection. The LightNet DNN then classifies traffic light shape (solid versus arrow) and state (color: red, yellow, green), while the SignNet DNN identifies traffic sign type. Collectively, these three DNNs form the core of NVIDIA’s wait conditions perception software, designed to detect traffic conditions in which an AV needs to slow to an intersection and wait before proceeding.

Comfort and Convenience for Your Daily Commute

DRIVE Chauffeur works directly with DRIVE Concierge to remove the stress and hassles of daily driving. DRIVE Concierge provides access to intelligent services that are always on, using NVIDIA DRIVE IX and NVIDIA Omniverse Avatar for real-time conversational AI. It’s tightly integrated with DRIVE Chauffeur for 3D in-cabin visualization, valet parking, and intelligent summon capabilities.

Image showing an AI-powered Omniverse Avatar in the cabin, on the center screen.

Find out how you can start developing AI cockpits for intelligent vehicles.